The Bornholm-Stamtavle (Bornholm Pedigree) is a genealogy site that contains 62,808 people, mainly from the Danish island Bornholm, in the Baltic Ocean, just south of the Scandinavian Peninsula.
Originally the five lineages above were the starting-point, and my goal is still to gather information about descendents of these five lineages. The Ko(e)fo(e)d-lineage is a special lineage of Bornholm, and since it's very widespread, it's impossible to do genealogy without including this lineage.
This is the Internet database of the above families, first collected in the books "Family-tree of the Blem family with belonging families" published by P. Blem in 1920, and "Family-tree of the Jochumsen and Schou families, the Brandsgaard family and the Brandt family, Kællingeby" published by Jochum Brandt and Chr. P. Riis in 1920.

Additionally I have used "Family-tree of the Koefoed family", published by Julius Bidstrup in 1887,

"The Family-trees of the families Müller, Madvig & Sode", published by Julius Bidstrup in 1884, and "The Lauegård family", published by O. E. Sonne in 1878, and ongoing updated/published by Inge Koefoed Hansen.

These families all originate from, and still live in, the Danish island Bornholm. Bornholm is situated in the middle of the Baltic Ocean, just south of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

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