Brandsgård (Brand's Farm) is the name of a large farm in Bodilsker (the parish of the Church of St. Bodil). In 1660 the owner of the farm was Lasse Brand, which probably explains the name of the farm (Brand actually means fire/burnt or peace of land, but I'm not sure that's the case here).
New research has shown that there's no connection between Lasse Brand and the Brandt/Brandsgaard that occupied the farm later on. Lasse Brand was the last living person of the Brand lineage that probably gave name to all the Brandsgaards in Bornholm. In the end of the 17th century the farm was purchased by a Peder Jensen form Doevregaard in Bodilsker, and in 1698 his son, Jens Pedersen, took over the management of the farm. Jens Pedersen was the first of the new lineage to call himself Jens Brandsgaard. His decendants chose later on to call themselves Brandt. The new Brand-family married into both the Jochumsen-family and the Ko(e)fo(e)d-family several times. |